“I thought: You’re right to cry, my darling boy. You’re right to be afraid. Your mother is a monster” Informasi BukuJudul: A Simple Favor Penulis: Darcey Bell Penerbit: Harper Bahasa: Inggris ISBN:…
Author: farbooksventure (page 12)
Oktober 2018: Farah, Seorang Pembaca Konsisten(?)
45/50 Mengikuti jejak di bulan September lalu, aku sukses menyelesaikan 7 buku pada bulan Oktober. Apakah ini merupakan pertanda bahwa aku perlahan menjadi seorang pembaca yang konsisten dalam membaca 7 buku dalam…
[31/10/18] Tentang Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) Karya L.C. Rosen
“… In that moment, I get to be me. And if you don’t like that, fuck off.” Informasi Buku Judul: Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) Penulis: L.C. Rosen Penerbit: Penguin Bahasa:…
[31/10/18] Tentang The Haunting of Hill House Karya Shirley Jackson
“Journeys end in lovers meeting…” Informasi Buku Judul: The Haunting of Hill House Penulis: Shirley Jackson Penerbit: Wildside Press LLC Bahasa: Inggris ISBN: 9781479419449 Tahun publikasi: 2018 (pertama kali dipublikasikan tahun 1959)…
[24/10/18] Tentang Cannery Row Karya John Steinbeck
“[Cannery Row’s] inhabitants are, as the man once said, ‘whores, pimps, gamblers, and sons of bitches,’ by which he meant everybody. Had the man looked through another peephole he might have said,…
[11/10/18] Tentang The House With A Clock In It’s Walls Karya John Bellairs
“You can’t prepare for all the disasters that might occur in this frightening world of ours. If the devil appears or if we find that the End of the World is at…