“Sometimes you need to scorch everything to the ground and start over. After the burning the soil is richer, and new things can grow. People are like that, too. They start over.…
Category: The Favourites (page 3)
[31/10/18] Tentang Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) Karya L.C. Rosen
“… In that moment, I get to be me. And if you don’t like that, fuck off.” Informasi Buku Judul: Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) Penulis: L.C. Rosen Penerbit: Penguin Bahasa:…
Tentang The Hate U Give Karya Angie Thomas
Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right. Informasi Buku Judul: The Hate U Give Penulis: Angie Thomas Penerbit: Walker…
[06/09/18] Tentang To Kill A Mockingbird Karya Harper Lee
“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.” Informasi Buku Judul: To Kill A Mockingbird Penulis: Harper Lee Penerjemah: Femmy Syahrani Penerbit: Qanita ISBN: 978602163787 Tahun publikasi:…
Tentang Cinta Tak Ada Mati Karya Eka Kurniawan
“Ini saja toelis sekedar peringetan bagi siapa sadja jang soedi menengok sedjenak, pada apa2 yang dialemkan oleh saja. Barangkali ada sala-satoenja jang bergoena boeat dipoengoet oentoengnja.” – Pengakoean Seorang Pemadat Indis Informasi…
[11/07/18] Tentang Kakashi Hiden/ Naruto: Kakashi’s Story
“My job is to make sure these kids have as many days as they can where they can be idiots like this. Right, that’s it, isn’t it… Obito?” Informasi Buku Judul: Naruto:…